DAY 18

To Conquer Glutton

It’s timely that we consider gluttony immediately after taking into account lust because they are interrelated in a very powerful way. Food and sex are the two most sensual desires we have in the flesh. God made both of them good as both are needed for survival of the species. To sustain humanity from one generation to the next, we need sex; to sustain each individual person from one day to the next, food is necessary. Consequently, God designed and wired us in such a way that each time we eat or have sex we receive a dumping of dopamine in the brain that essentially says, “Yes, this is good!” The dilemma occurs when this dopamine dependence gets carried away and good and natural desires quickly become uncontrollable cravings for inordinate enjoyment.

In many cases, if one can be disciplined about food (which includes alcohol), then restraint over sexual sins can be accomplished as well. Even back to the Old Testament, the pathway to repentance and transformation has always consisted of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. As an essential and incredibly effective way to purify our passions, we gain strength within ourselves when we fast. We grow in our ability to resist temptation, while strengthening habits and virtues more important still.

As some would say in poker, we are going “All in”. Once this journey is completed, you are welcome to modify these spiritual practices to fit your preferences, but for these forty days we are taking no stops in our battle to silence the enemies that seek to enslave us. Time to proclaim a fast! For these final three weeks, all alcohol will be eliminated. On Fridays, we will fast on bread and water only (unless you have a health condition that prevents this), even giving up our favorite food.

Remember, Christ himself gave us the spiritual food needed for the journey. To keep the grace flowing, we have begun feeding on the Eucharist, the Word of God and the Will of God. As any physical hunger or desire is experienced during your fast, use this as an opportunity to enter more deeply into the three spiritual foods. Meditate on your deeper hunger and desire for holiness instead, reminding yourself of your intensifying longing for freedom. In the desert, we will rediscover our thirst.


• Pray that you will focus more upon Spiritual Food for the journey. 
• Fast from alcohol for the remainder of our journey.  
• Fast on bread and water each Friday for the remainder of our journey.  
• Give up your favorite food for the remainder of our journey.